How to recognize a font on a website. Name, color, size.

Designers, webmasters and ordinary Internet users often face a certain problem. You need to quickly determine the font family of a particular resource. The traditional way to do this is to use the Firebug extension to find the necessary information in the code of the document. In addition, there are many online services and programs ready to come to the rescue in this matter. 

The aforementioned ways to determine font are not the best, because they require an additional waste of time. You need to go to another browser tab, search for the url of the desired resource, digging in the code, etc. . And so you want to know the font of the text, without making unnecessary movements. Today there is a simpler and faster way to determine the font by installing the browser extension WhatFont. 

WhatFont is an extension for defining fonts.

You can find it in the extensions store of Google Chrome or in the add-on directory of Yandex browser and Firefox. The developers of this wonderful tool worked on the glory, because the extension is supported by all popular browsers. The size of the application after installation is only 1Mb, so it does not "load" the browser. After installing the extension in the upper right corner of the browser will appear an icon with a lowercase English letter "f" and a question mark after it "f ?" . 

How to work with WhatFont? 

Working with Nautilus is very simple. When you see a font you like on any site, activate WhatFont by clicking on its icon. After you place the cursor on the font, a tooltip appears with the name of the font family. For example, you can see that the social network Facebook uses the font helvetica, and Vkontakte. arial

Sometimes you need more information about a font. Some people wonder how to find out the size of a font. Activate WhatFont and don't hover over the font, but click on it once. Immediately a window pops up with a description of its CSS properties. Here we will see:

  • font-family (font family);
  • sans-serif (font outline);
  • font-size;
  • line-height (line spacing);
  • RGB color code font.

In the bottom right corner of the pop-up window is the Twitter icon. If you have an account there, you can make a tweet and share the link with your readers with information about this font. There's also an option to see what the font looks like using the English alphabet as an example. 

Now you know how to find out the name of the font on the site. Perhaps the only disadvantage of WhatFont can be attributed to the fact that the extension is not russified. But this is not a problem, because the interface of this application is very simple.

You can read more about Font recognition software and applications in this article



How to recognize a font on a website. Name, color, size.
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