Times New Roman

Times New Roman Times New Roman

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© 2010 The Monotype Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


Times New Roman Family




Monotype:Times New Roman Regular:Version 5.07 (Microsoft)

Full font name:

Times New Roman


Version 5.07

PostScript title:




Monotype Type Drawing Office - Stanley Morison, Victor Lardent 1932

Font categories::

You may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily

Font size:

814.69 KB
Times New Roman

Times New Roman

814.69 KB

You can download font Times New Roman absolutely free, without registration. This font belongs to the family Times New Roman Family, typeface Normal. The font manufacturer is Times New Roman is a trademark of The Monotype Corporation.. Designer - Monotype Type Drawing Office - Stanley Morison, Victor Lardent 1932. The font is posted in the public domain by the author and can be used free of charge for any purpose. However, if you intend to use this font for commercial purposes and have doubts about your rights to use it, we recommend that you contact the author to clarify the type of license.

Font belongs to categories: Serif fonts
File size - 814.69 KB.

Times New Roman is one of the most popular fonts in the world. Its story began in the famous Times newspaper in 1931, where it was designed and first printed on paper. Its developer is the English type designer Stanley Morison. Two British firms Monotype and Linotype were engaged in printing matrices at the same time. The Times newspaper invited Stanley as the most experienced and well-known expert in typography at that time. He was consulted and the most important decision was to change the main typeface.

The result is a rather compact typeface with a medium slope of the oval axes and very sharp serifs. Some experts call it "transitional antiqua", like many fonts of the early 20th century. But the Times has, over time, become one of the most popular because of its versatility and readability.

Interestingly, in the name of the font, Roman is Roman (used to be called roman fonts), while Italic is Italian (this is what slant fonts are called), so the name Times New Roman Italic sounds quite contradictory.

Times New Roman is the standard document font used in Microsoft Office suites until 2007 and is still heavily used by Apple in many applications and web browsers. This font is used for all diplomatic documents in the US State Department. In Russia, there is GOST 7.32 - 2001, according to which text documents must be formatted in Times New Roman, with a size of at least 12.

This font is shrouded in mystery. So, for example, the American historian Mike Parker, in 1994, made a statement saying that the typeface was not developed by Stanley Morison at all. It was about the fact that sketches of an abandoned, unfinished project were found, which are like two drops of water similar to the Times typeface. The sketches are owned by Lanston Monotype and were designed in 1916, long before Times New Roman.

Times, due to its versatility, is one of the most used modern fonts. It is not distinguished by its decorative properties or special purposes. It is simply one of the most convenient, compact and legible. Times is used both by students for university research papers and by companies for record keeping.
What font is used in GOST documents? The answer is Times New Roman. You can download the Times font in one click, without registration. On our site you can pick up a quality font online.


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Comments (1)
  • srxsrx 14.04.2020

    Классика) Заодно много нового о нем узнал. Спасибо!