1. Your font selections won't be lost?
2. How to add a font which is not on the site?
If you have a font that is not in our database, you can suggest it for publication. Use this form for that. add a font. Font will be published after review by a moderator and you can include it in one of your picks on the site. You may refuse to publish if the font is copyrighted and its license does not allow free use. Fonts are accepted only in ttf format.
3. How to install font?
Get acquainted with the instructions for setting the font.
4. How do I remove ads?
We do not place intrusive or malicious advertising, such as popanders. Only ads from verified sources are posted on the site. But if you constantly use our site and even this advertising is not desirable for you, you can buy Bro-account, where ads are disabled. This way you help us release new fonts and make the site more convenient for you. As a bonus you get nice discounts on paid fonts.
5. What fonts can I use in my work?
6. When do I get my paid font after I purchased it?
7. How do I connect fonts to my site?
Familiarize yourself with font installation guide
Got any questions? Ask them in comments or use feedback form
How do I find a font by name? I don't see a search bar anywhere :(
Karita, in the upper right corner of the page http://joxi.ru/ZrJkaZyH9lqBlm