Fonts design on the site.

This article is for beginners, and describes the basic rules for fonts on the site.

Profits from the corporate website depends on a large number of very different indicators, for example, the amount of site content, number of pages, age of the domain, usability, etc. . On the profit can affect even very small things, for example, font and its design.

Most people think that the webmaster can use the site a large number of different fonts (in their opinion, this will not affect the efficiency of the site). In fact, this is not the case. It is desirable not to use a site more than 2-3 different fonts, because otherwise the site loses its design integrity, the information is perceived worse. Judge for yourself, if one page site uses several different fonts, a person must visually accustomed to each of them. And yet need to get into what is written on the page.

It turns out that on the pages of the site should use only 2-3 fonts, no more. It is desirable to use fonts without serifs (they are often called chopped fonts). Letters in these fonts are as simple and readable form, they are easily perceived with the monitor (computer, tablet, smartphone). Hyphen fonts are used more in printed matter. Clear and simple fonts contributes to the fact that visitors are much faster to navigate in the content of the site, find what they need. If the font is too pretentious and unusual, then read the text will be difficult. Consequently, the impact of the site will decrease.

Now about the size of the font. The optimal size is 12 points. In this case, the user does not have to look at each letter (the font is not small). In addition, one page will fit a lot of information, because the font is not large. If the font is too small, then some visitors to the site, this factor will be annoying, especially people with low vision. It turns out that the impact of the site again will decrease. If the font is too large, the size of the letters will distract the reader from the information itself, laid down in the text. In addition, one HTML page will fit much less text content.

Don't use formatting and highlighting too often. In this case, the importance of highlighted words and phrases will be reduced. Focus only on the most important words. Good luck to you!



Fonts design on the site.
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