Fugu & Maki_PersonalUseOnly

Fugu & Maki_PersonalUseOnly Fugu & Maki_PersonalUseOnly

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Gregory Medina, All rights reserved-©dcodesign/www.dcoxy.com You have to purchase a license for commercial & promotional use. "personal use only" does not constitut public domain or free. Thank you to contact me before at: dcoxymg@gmail.com or follow instructions at : www.dcoxy.com




GregoryMedinadcodesign: Fugu & Maki_PersonalUseOnly: 2019

Full font name:

Fugu & Maki_PersonalUseOnly


Version 1.000 2019 initial release

PostScript title:




Gregory Medina ©dcodesign

Vendor URL:


Font categories::

Personal use only. You have to purchase a license for commercial use, promotional use or reproduction, contact me before. "personal use only" does not constitut public domain or free. Gratuit pour un usage personnel uniquement, il faut une licence pour tout usage commerciale/promotionelle, contactez moi avant, merci: dcoxymg@gmail.com Ou suivez les instructions disponibles sur : www.dcoxy.com

Font size:

93.82 KB
Fugu & Maki_PersonalUseOnly

Fugu & Maki_PersonalUseOnly

93.82 KB

You can download font Fugu & Maki_PersonalUseOnly absolutely free, without registration. Font typeface Regular. The font manufacturer is DCOdesign. Designer - Gregory Medina ©dcodesign. The font is posted in the public domain by the author and can be used free of charge for any purpose. However, if you intend to use this font for commercial purposes and have doubts about your rights to use it, we recommend that you contact the author to clarify the type of license.

Font belongs to categories: Thematic fonts
File size - 93.82 KB.

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