Fengardo Neue Family

Fengardo Neue Family

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Font designed by Loic Sander, 2012. Distributed under the terms of the SIL OFL Licence. Free for commercial use. This font file can me modified at will under the conditions that any modification made is mentionned and clearly stated in the file-name or ac


FontForge 2.0 : Fengardo Neue Black : 1-3-2012


Fengardo is a trademark of Loic Sander.


Loic Sander

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Font categories::

Free font licensed under SIL OFL Licence // Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike CC BY-NC-SA This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this typeface non-commercially, as long as you credit the type designer and license their new creations und


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You can download the family Fengardo Neue Family absolutely free, without registration. The font manufacturer is Fengardo is a trademark of Loic Sander.. Designer - Loic Sander. The font is posted in the public domain by the author and can be used free of charge for any purpose. However, if you intend to use this font for commercial purposes and have doubts about your rights to use it, we recommend that you contact the author to clarify the type of license.

This font belongs to the categories: Русские шрифты, Шрифты без засечек

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