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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
HalvarMittelschriftDEMO-ExtraThinSuperSlantedАвтор:Lisa Fischbach, Jakob Runge and Nils Thomsen. With consulting by Maria Doreuli and Kostas Bartsokas. TrueType Hinting by Anke Bonk of Alphabet Type.Лицензия:https://typemates.com/licences/test https://typemates.com/licences/test
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
OttessaDEMO-LightАвтор:Philipp NeumeyerЛицензия:https://typemates.com/licences/test
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
ggsans-NormalItalicАвтор:Colophon FoundryЛицензия:By using gg sans you agree to their use solely on Discord Inc. related brand materials and will not use them for any other purpose whatsoever. You must not modify, adapt, alter, convert, translate or otherwise change the gg sans font software. You must not send or share gg sans with any persons or organization, or any third party who is not commissioned by, or directly associated with, Discord Inc. either as a supplier, partner, franchisee, contractor, or otherwise.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
HitmarkerWide-BoldАвтор:Designed by: Luke Prowse, Jean-Baptiste Morizot, Leon Hugues, Benjamin Blaess.