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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Trinigan FGАвтор:unknownЛицензия:Conversion and modification --------------------------- You may convert this font to other formats including web font formats or modify it for your own purposes. You may use web font formats of this font to display text on your web pages, but you may not explicitly offer converted or modified versions of this font software for download or re-use by others, unless you have received permission in writing to do so. Distribution ------------ You may distribute this font on digital media or as a download on your website as long as you comply with the following rules. Violation of one or more of these rules terminates your distribution license and you have to stop distribution immediately: You may offer the font only in form of a ZIP file containing only the font software and this readme file. You are not allowed to distribute the font software without this text file. You may not add advertising messages in text or graphics form to the zip file. You are not allowed to create a self-extracting executable file containing the font software or require the user to install or run a download manager from your website to get the download. You may not charge money for the download.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TulenАвтор:Copyleft for every person who finds this file.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
TWEEKDАвтор:JULIE KENNDYЛицензия:for you to use for you