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Copyright (c) 2016 by Billy Argel. All rights reserved.하위 제품군:
BillyArgel: Satisfaction: 2016전체 글꼴 이름:
Version 1.000포스트스크립트 제목:
Satisfaction is a trademark of Billy Argel.디자이너:
Billy Argel공급업체 URL:
www.billyargel.com글꼴 라이선스:
free for personal use commercial licenses available more informations please contacy or LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR COMMERCIAL USE OF GRAPHIC FONTS UNDER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF ADHERBAL ARGEL (BILLY ARGEL) Preamble This "Single License Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts" defines and covers • 3.1 - Each license for commercial use of graphic font specified on the invoice, acquired by the "LICENSEE", granting the following rights and obligations of/or commercial use to the "LICENSEE" specified in the purchase invoice of individual commercial licenses: • 3.1.1 - Each individual commercial license allows, for one time, the commercial use to create designs or other creations on vector or fixed drawings, digitally or hand-drawing, always used by the "LICENSEE" or by a client of this, as long as all other rules and conditions of this "License Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts" are respected. • 3.1.2 - The "LICENSEE" can produce, with an individual license, for one time: graphic works, drawings, creative works or related, to himself or to a third person or company; in this case the "LICENSEE" shall have the obligation to transfer the individual commercial license to the third party with the graphic works, drawings, creative works or related, and, from this moment, the individual license becomes part of those graphic works, drawings, creative works or related. In this case the third party will have to accept this "License Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts" and cannot transfer it to another, neither shall use it in other graphic works, drawings, creative works or related. • 3.1.3 - A single license allows the "LICENSEE" to create images on any surface such as paper, web pages, computer monitors, photos, movie credits, printed material, T-shirts and other surfaces. • 3.1.4 An individual license allows the simultaneous use on up to three computers, always owned by the "LICENSEE" and are limited to the stipulated in the other clauses of this "License Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts", i.e., to the final production of single graphic works, drawings, creative works or related. • 3.1.5 An individual license grants to the "LICENSEE" the right to transform or distort characters for artistic purposes and is limited to the stipulated in the other clauses of this "License Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts". • 3.1.6 - The individual license does not entitle updates subsequent to the date of the invoice issued by the "LICENSOR". • 3.1.7 - The "LICENSEE" cannot, in any manner and/or by any means (software or computer codes editors for example), change or modify the source code of graphic fonts licensed by this "License Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts”. • 3.1.8 - The "LICENSEE" with the final and non refundable purchase of a commercial use license of a particular graphic font, and after having available the link to download the font file in the web page user account ("site") of, accepts and agrees that, as the model of acquired licensed font, the font assembly may contain or not uppercase, lowercase, accents, symbols and/or other characters. To do so, he accepted and has knowledge of the content of the set of characters available for the particular font from which he acquired the license for commercial use. • 3.1.9 The "LICENSEE" accepts and agrees to all other copyrights rights of the "LICENSOR" on protected by this agreement and all other covered by laws of protecting copyrights, locally and internationally, of the graphic artist Adherbal Argel, known as Billy Argel. • 3.1.10 - The “LICENSEE" agrees that the acquisition of "License for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts " grants only the right to use the graphic font acquired under this agreement, as stipulated and limited to this "License for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts" and not granting or transferring any ownership rights over artistic creation, graphic work, source codes or any other that is part of the technological and creative set of graphic font that has been purchased under this "License Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts". 4 - The beginning and end of completeness and validity of this agreement • 4.1 - This agreement between the "LICENSOR" and the "LICENSEE" starts from the date of issue of the invoice to purchase the "License(s) Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts" together with the confirmation of the non-cancellable payment of invoice that purchases license(s) for commercial use of graphic fonts, issued and confirmed by the "LICENSOR". • 4.2 - This agreement has no termination date, but is limited to the final publication of the graphic works, drawings, creative works or related, produced by the "LICENSEE" to himself or to a third person or company, provided that it meets all the other obligations and limits of this "License Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts". 5 - Penalties of this "License Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts" • 5.1 - The "LICENSOR" is given the right, and the "LICENSEE" agrees, that this agreement will be terminated automatically, without the need for other procedures, whenever the "LICENSEE" does not fulfill any of the obligations agreed to in this "License Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts". • 5.2 - If any breach of this agreement by either party occurs, the "License for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts" covered by this Agreement will be canceled automatically without any need of informal, formal, legal proceedings or of any nature. *********** END OF THE TEXT OF THIS AGREEMENT *********** the rights and obligations between "Billy Argel Fonts" ( and their customers and / or purchasers of licenses for commercial use of graphic fonts under intellectual property of Adherbal Argel, graphic artist, internationally known as Billy Argel. Same fonts, covered by this agreement for commercial use, are available, under discretion of Adherbal Algiers, exclusively for personal use, free of charge, being covered by the license, reserving the right of the artist (Adherbal Argel) to cancel the availability at his discretion. Agreement 1 - The designation and description of the participants in this agreement • 1.1 - Henceforth, in this agreement, is called "LICENSOR", the graphic artist Adherbal Argel, known as "Billy Argel", through his commercial site (web page) called "Billy Argel Fonts," which has the following domain name on the Internet: • 1.2 - Henceforth, in this agreement is called "LICENSEE", the buyer of individual license(s) to use graphic fonts for commercial purposes, represented in the purchase invoice issued by the site "Billy Argel Fonts" ( 2 - The acquisition by the "LICENSEE" of the individual license for commercial use of graphic fonts designed by "LICENSOR" • 2.1 - "LICENSOR" and the "LICENSEE" accept as legal and representative document of acquisition of this individual license for commercial use, the invoice issued by the "LICENSOR" and confirmed as paid by way of non-cancellable by "LICENSEE". • 2.2 - The invoice issued by the "LICENSOR" in favor of "LICENSEE", will bring the name and describe the amount of commercial licenses purchased for each graphic font of artistic creation of the "LICENSOR". • 2.3 - The number of individual commercial licenses of each font is represented, in the invoice, by their units, i.e., the "LICENSEE" acquires the amount of commercial licenses represented by the units in the invoice issued by the "LICENSOR". 3 - Obligations and rights derived from this "License Agreement for Commercial Use of Graphic Fonts"글꼴 크기:
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