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Typeface © Galdino Otten Fonts. 2020. All Rights ReservedAlaperhe:
Soft Marshmallow Turbo:Version 1.00Täydellinen fontin nimi:
Version 1.00;September 15, 2020;FontCreator 64-bitPostScript-otsikko:
Soft Marshmallow Turbo® Trademark of Galdino Otten Fonts.Suunnittelija:
Galdino Otten 55 83 998067774Myyjän URL-osoite: lisenssit:
Terms and Conditions LICENSE AGREEMENT This is an agreement between you, the purchaser, and Galdino Otten. By downloading you acknowledge your understanding and promise to comply with its terms. This license is for the Commercial usage rights of font file "xxxxxxxxx Font", downloaded from Galdino Otten; you are not purchasing/licensing the copyright to the design of the fonts, you may not sublicense, sell, lease, or give away the fonts. RESTRICTED USE IN ALPHABET-RELATED PRODUCTS You may not create alphabet or letterform products for resale where the product consists of individual letterforms, including rubber stamps, die-cut products, stencil products, or adhesive sticker alphabet products where the likeness of the licensed fonts can be reproduced and the end-user of said products can create their own typesetting. RESTRICTIONS ON FONT EMBEDDING Web-embedding of the font is not permitted with the standard license. This purchased with was possible because the purchaser made a payment after negotiation with Galdino Otten by e-mail Paypal account. You should contct him before use this font. BROADCAST, FILM, AND GAMES If you are using the font in cinemas, motion pictures, video games, on television, cable television, or as a part of any works broadcast, you must obtain permission from Galdino Otten An additional license fee may be required. for information. MODIFICATIONS You may import characters from the font as graphical objects into a drawing program and modify such graphical objects. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the licensed font itself. COPYRIGHT The font and the accompanying materials are copyrighted and contain proprietary information and trade secrets belonging to Galdino Otten. Unauthorized copying of the product even if modified, merged, or included with other software, or of the written materials, is expressly forbidden. You may be held legally responsible for any infringement of Galdino Otten's intellectual property rights that is caused or Galdino Otten. Galdino Otten Fonts Rua Venâncio Neiva, 287 Centro - Campina Grande Paraíba Brazil Phone: 55 83 9984.1828 83 99806.7774 CEP: 58400-090Fontin koko:
51.71 KBVoit ladata fontin Soft Marshmallow Turbo täysin ilmaiseksi, ilman rekisteröitymistä. Fontti kirjasintyyppi Regular. Fontin valmistaja on Soft Marshmallow Turbo® Trademark of Galdino Otten Fonts.. Suunnittelija - Galdino Otten 55 83 998067774. Kirjasintyyppi on tekijän asettama julkiseen käyttöön, ja sitä voi käyttää maksutta mihin tahansa tarkoitukseen. Jos kuitenkin aiot käyttää fonttia kaupallisiin tarkoituksiin etkä ole varma sen käyttöoikeuksista, ota yhteyttä tekijään lisenssityypin selvittämiseksi..
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Tiedoston koko - 51.71 KB.
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