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Copyright (c) 2010 by Laura Worthington. All rights reserved.Alaperhe:
LauraWorthington: Sepian: 2010Täydellinen fontin nimi:
Version 1.000PostScript-otsikko:
Sepian is a trademark of Laura Worthington.Suunnittelija:
Laura WorthingtonMyyjän URL-osoite:
checkoutmyportfolio.comFonttien lisenssit:
Standard License Agreement By installing LAURA WORTHINGTON fonts, you are agreeing to the terms of this license. LAURA WORTHINGTON font(s) and/or artwork are licensed for use on 2 output devices and 5 computers connected to the same network. If your configuration exceeds this format, you must contact LAURA WORTHINGTON at 206.898.3003 to expand your site license. You are also responsible for securing this data and making sure that unlicensed copies do not leave your possession. If you do not agree to the terms of this license, delete the enclosed files from your computer(s) and notify as soon as possible. Details of the licensing are as follows: 1. Each LAURA WORTHINGTON font is licensed for use on 2 (two) printers or output devices in conjunction with a maximum of 5 (five) CPUs. 2. A multi-device site license upgrade must be purchased for multiple device use according to a multi-device license schedule specified in paragraph 10. Each location and/or entity must purchase a separate license, starting with the first device. An output device is any printer, such as a Linotronic rasterizer, laser printer, or dot-matrix printer, any video display terminal or any other device where display is generated from the font outlines, such as with the use of Adobe Type Manager or native TrueType rasterizer if the font is to be used primarily for display terminals that generate the output, as in a multimedia CD. 3. LAURA WORTHINGTON fonts may not be copied or duplicated in any form except for backup purposes. LAURA WORTHINGTON fonts or documentation may not be rented, leased, sublicensed or lent to another person or entity without explicit authorization granted by LAURA WORTHINGTON or one of its representatives. 4. LAURA WORTHINGTON fonts may not be returned or exchanged unless defective. Defective fonts shall be replaced by the same fonts, albeit functional, if accompanied with purchase receipt and LAURA WORTHINGTON is notified within one week of purchase. 5. Any outline, EPS file, illustration, or anything derived from LAURA WORTHINGTON fonts must be used according to the original licensing terms. This means, for example, that any modified LAURA WORTHINGTON font, or any outline information derived from any LAURA WORTHINGTON font is still licensed for the same number of devices as the original and may not be sublicensed, given away, or sold without written permission from LAURA WORTHINGTON. 6. This license does permit the embedding of LAURA WORTHINGTON fonts in digital documents. 7. The user of LAURA WORTHINGTON fonts agrees to credit LAURA WORTHINGTON as the trademark and copyright owner of the LAURA WORTHINGTON fonts and list the font names, wherever and whenever type design, production, or any other related credits are shown. 8. Any violation by licensee of this agreement shall cause this license to be terminated. In the event of termination, and without limiting any other remedies which may be available against you, you must immediately return the fonts to LAURA WORTHINGTON and certify that no copies remain in your possession or exist on the originally licensed site. 9. LAURA WORTHINGTON makes no warranties express or implied as to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise. Without limiting the aforementioned, LAURA WORTHINGTON shall in no event be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages, including damages from loss of business profits, business interruption, and loss of business information, arising out of the use or inability to use LAURA WORTHINGTON fonts. 10. Multi-device License Upgrade Schedule: LAURA WORTHINGTON fonts are automatically licensed for use with 2 output devices in conjunction with a maximum of 5 CPUs. Each location and/or entity must purchase a separate license, starting with the first device. The upgrade price is calculated as a percentage of the original price of the font(s). The following is cumulative: 3rd to 5th printer with 8 to 40 CPUs: add 50 percent for each printer or each 5 CPUs 5th to 15th printer with 41 to 100 CPUs: add 20 percent for each printer or each 5 CPUs 16th to 50th printer with 101 to 250 CPUs: add 10 percent for each printer or each 5 CPUs 51st printer and over with 251 CPUs and over: add 5 percent for each printer or each 5 CPUs If your usage exceeds the number of CPUs for a given output device category, you must purchase the upgrade with the applicable number of CPUs. Special site or project licensing discounts may be obtained by contacting LAURA WORTHINGTON at 206.898.3003 or emailing 11. The SOFTWARE is owned by Licensor and is protected by the United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Therefore, Licensee must treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyright material (e.g. a book or musical recording) except that Licensee may (a) make a copy for back up purposes, and (b) transfer the software to a single hard disk for the purpose of system installation. Licensee may not copy written material accompanying the SOFTWARE. Violation of United States copyright law and/or international treaty provisions may result in both Civil and Criminal penalties. For further information on licensing, LAURA WORTHINGTON may be contacted at the following information: or 206.898.3003Fontin koko:
79.00 KBVoit ladata fontin Sepian täysin ilmaiseksi, ilman rekisteröitymistä. Fontti kirjasintyyppi Regular. Fontin valmistaja on Sepian is a trademark of Laura Worthington.. Suunnittelija - Laura Worthington. Kirjasintyyppi on tekijän asettama julkiseen käyttöön, ja sitä voi käyttää maksutta mihin tahansa tarkoitukseen. Jos kuitenkin aiot käyttää fonttia kaupallisiin tarkoituksiin etkä ole varma sen käyttöoikeuksista, ota yhteyttä tekijään lisenssityypin selvittämiseksi..
Fontti kuuluu luokkiin:
Koristeelliset fontit
Tiedoston koko - 79.00 KB.
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- FontYukle on tarjonnut ilmaisia fontteja vuodesta 2007 lähtien.
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