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Copyright (c) 2013 by 29 Letters [29L] - Pascal Zoghbi. All rights reserved.Alaperhe:
1.000;PYRS;MIA-MediumTäydellinen fontin nimi:
Version 1.000 | web-ttfPostScript-otsikko:
MIA Medium is a trademark of 29 Letters [29L] - Pascal Zoghbi.Suunnittelija:
Pascal ZoghbiMyyjän URL-osoite:
www.29LT.comFonttien lisenssit:
29Letters [29LT] Type Foundry FONTS LICENSE AGREEMENT for âMuseum of Islamic Artâ, Doha, Qatar. _______________________________________________________________________________ Please read this agreement carefully! By installing the fonts of the type-family: MIA 4 weights (Light, Regulat, Medium & Bold) You are agreeing to the terms of this Corporate License Agreement. _______________________________________________________________________________ 01. Ownership & Copyright: _______________________________________________________________________________ A. You have purchased a Corporate License to use the fonts software in your own scope of work. The license does NOT grant you an ownership of the fonts. The fonts are the intellectual property of Pascal Zoghbi from 29 Letters. It is NOT an agreement for sale of the font software or any portion of it, It is a LIFETIME License for the usage of the fonts at the âMuseum of Islam Artâ in Doha, Qatar. B. Except for your right to use the fonts software granted by this license, all other rights, title of the fonts software, related trademarks and trade names are owned and retained by 29LT. You acknowledge that the software is protected by the Copyright Laws of Lebanon, the copyright and design laws of other nations, and by international treaties. C. You do NOT have the rights to sell, rent, lease, lent or sub-license the fonts to any other third party whatever the reason or relationship. D. You are NOT allowed to open the fonts in any âfont editorâ application (like Fontlab, Fontographer, Glyphs, RoboFont, and others) to modify the outlines of the letters or rename the fonts. Consequently you can NOT modify the fonts and resell them under a different name or design parameters. You may not convert or modify the original font software under any circumstance. _______________________________________________________________________________ 02. Lawful Use: _______________________________________________________________________________ A. You purchased the Corporate License, you can ONLY install the fonts on the licensed computers of the âMuseum of Islamic Artsâ and NOT any other computers like the personal laptop of employees or subcontractors. 1. The fonts should ONLY be installed into an Admin Font Folder (Secure Password Protected) on each computer of the company. Only IT personels and managers have the rights to install or copy the fonts from one computer to another within the company. 2. The fonts can not be given to employees for personal use outside the work frame of the company. Password protected font folders will prevent employees the possibility of copying the fonts on their own personal USB or computers without permission. B. In order to transfer digital files to printing presses or other private computer networks, you are required to embed the Licensed Fonts in a secured read-only PDF format file. You are NOT allowed to package the fonts with digital files and give them to a third party unless they have purchased a Font License too. To minimize risks to your digital files and the final printed outcome, as well as for the protection of the licensed fonts, it is safer to send PDF files to any other third party. C. The Discloser may install the font software on a single file server for use on a single Local Area Network (LAN) only when the use of such fonts software is limited to the workstations and printers that are part of the licensed unit of which the server is part. _______________________________________________________________________________ 03. Warranty & Liability: _______________________________________________________________________________ 29LT Fonts after downloaded onto your computer are not returnable or refundable. Fonts may be returned or exchanged only if they are defective and we are notified within 7 days of the order. If there is a problem with your order, let us know within 24 hours of purchase, and we will attempt to remedy the situation. _______________________________________________________________________________ This agreement will be governed by International Laws. You acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement.Fontin koko:
67.80 KBVoit ladata fontin MIA Medium täysin ilmaiseksi, ilman rekisteröitymistä. Fontti kirjasintyyppi Regular. Fontin valmistaja on MIA Medium is a trademark of 29 Letters [29L] - Pascal Zoghbi.. Suunnittelija - Pascal Zoghbi. Kirjasintyyppi on tekijän asettama julkiseen käyttöön, ja sitä voi käyttää maksutta mihin tahansa tarkoitukseen. Jos kuitenkin aiot käyttää fonttia kaupallisiin tarkoituksiin etkä ole varma sen käyttöoikeuksista, ota yhteyttä tekijään lisenssityypin selvittämiseksi..
Fontti kuuluu luokkiin:
Koristeelliset fontit, Serif-fontit
Tiedoston koko - 67.80 KB.
Suosittuja fontteja:
Suosittuja artikkeleita:
- Brändättyjä fontteja
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- Fontit isoilla kirjaimilla
- Fontit elokuvista
- Serif-fontit
- Tatuointi fontit
- FontYukle on tarjonnut ilmaisia fontteja vuodesta 2007 lähtien.
- 3D-fontit
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- Adobe Illustrator fontit
- Suru (rituaali) fontit
- Pääsiäinen fontit
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- Fontti käyttäjälle BDO
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