
RocknRollTypobold RocknRollTypobold

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Copyright (c) 2010 by Otto Maurer. All rights reserved.




OttoMaurer: RocknRoll Typo bold: 2010




Version 1.000





Otto Maurer



Rights of Use You may use the typefaces and the software at so many computer workstations as indicated in the invoice, which you get from Otto Maurer or Use Restrictions The typefaces and the software shall not be copied at more computer systems, as indicated in the invoice, which you get from Otto Maurer or The typefaces shall not be used together with or copied for any third parties. The typefaces shall not be sublicensed or resold, rented or made available in any other manner to any third party. This applies in particular also to parts of typefaces, copies of parts or modifications of the typefaces. This license does not allow the use of a typeface in a manner where the typeface becomes the primary aspect of a product for resale. The typefaces shall not be used in such a manner that they represent competition to Otto Maurer. Modifying the typefaces is prohibited, even in the event that it is necessary for fulfilling personal design requirements. Embedding of the typefaces into electronic documents like PDF is permitted in a secured 'Preview and Print' mode. Licensee must ensure that recipients of electronic documents cannot extract the typefaces from such documents or use the embedded typefaces for the creation of new documents. The typefaces may not be modified, adapted, translated, de compiled, disassembled, re digitized, rented, sold, given away, leased, sub-licensed or loaned in any form. Additionally, you agree to take all steps necessary to prevent any third person from duplicating or distributing any typefaces. Defamatory, offensive, pornographic or otherwise unlawful uses of the typefaces are prohibited. PDF Embedding Embedding of Font into documents, Portable Documents (PDFs) or Internet pages is only permitted in a secured read-only mode. You must ensure that recipients of such documents or Internet pages cannot extract the Font or use the embedded Font for editing purposes or for the creation of new documents. If you need to Embed Font that will NOT be in a secured read-only mode use, you must notify Otto Maurer or to purchase an additional license for which an additional fee may be charged. Non-editable .pdf ! * Fonts must be conventionally licensed. * The fonts must be Subset embedded. * The .pdf must be set to View and Print only (that mean the .pdf must be set to 'no editing')


117.18 KB


117.18 KB

フォントのダウンロードができます RocknRollTypobold 登録不要の完全無料. フォント書体 Regular. フォントの製造元は RocknRoll Typo bold is a trademark of Otto Maurer.. デザイナー - Otto Maurer. このフォントは作者によってパブリックドメインに指定されており、どのような目的でも無料で使用することができますしかし、あなたが商業目的でフォントを使用するつもりで、それを使用する権利がわからない場合は、ライセンスの種類を明確にするために作者に連絡してください.

フォントはカテゴリに属しています: カートゥーンフォント
ファイルサイズ - 117.18 KB.

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