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Copyright (c) 2013 by Kimmy Design. All rights reserved.サブファミリー:
KimmyDesign: LunchBox Bold: 2013フォントのフルネーム:
Version 1.000ポストスクリプトタイトル:
LunchBox Bold is a trademark of Kimmy Design.デザイナー:
Kimmy KirkwoodベンダーのURL:
EULA: END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT This copy of Lunchbox (Font Family) ("the Software Product") and accompanying documentation is licensed and not sold. This Software Product is protected by copyright laws and treaties, as well as laws and treaties related to other forms of intellectual property. Kimmy Design or its subsidiaries, affiliates, and suppliers (collectively "KD") own intellectual property rights in the Software Product. The Licensee's ("you" or "your") license to download, use, copy, or change the Software Product is subject to these rights and to all the terms and conditions of this End User License Agreement ("Agreement"). Acceptance YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT BY SELECTING THE "ACCEPT" OPTION AND DOWNLOADING THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT OR BY INSTALLING, USING, OR COPYING THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT. YOU MUST AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE YOU WILL BE ALLOWED TO DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST SELECT "DECLINE" AND YOU MUST NOT INSTALL, USE, OR COPY THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT. License Grant This Agreement entitles you to install and use one copy of the Software Product. In addition, you may make one archival copy of the Software Product. The archival copy must be on a storage medium other than a hard drive, and may only be used for the reinstallation of the Software Product. This Agreement does not permit the installation or use of multiple copies of the Software Product, or the installation of the Software Product on more than one computer at any given time, on a system that allows shared used of applications, on a multi-user network, or on any configuration or system of computers that allows multiple users. Multiple copy use or installation is only allowed if you obtain an appropriate licensing agreement for each user and each copy of the Software Product. Restrictions on Transfer Without first obtaining the express written consent of KD, you may not assign your rights and obligations under this Agreement, or redistribute, encumber, sell, rent, lease, sublicense, or otherwise transfer your rights to the Software Product. Restrictions on Use You may not use, copy, or install the Software Product on any system with more than one computer, or permit the use, copying, or installation of the Software Product by more than one user or on more than one computer. If you hold multiple, validly licensed copies, you may not use, copy, or install the Software Product on any system with more than the number of computers permitted by license, or permit the use, copying, or installation by more users, or on more computers than the number permitted by license. You may not decompile, "reverse-engineer", disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Software Product. You may not use the database portion of the Software Product in connection with any software other than the Software Product. Restrictions on Alteration You may not modify the Software Product or create any derivative work of the Software Product or its accompanying documentation. Derivative works include but are not limited to translations. You may not alter any files or libraries in any portion of the Software Product. You may not reproduce the database portion or create any tables or reports relating to the database portion. Restrictions on Copying You may not copy any part of the Software Product except to the extent that licensed use inherently demands the creation of a temporary copy stored in computer memory and not permanently affixed on storage medium. You may make one archival copy which must be stored on a medium other than a computer hard drive. Limited Software Product Warranty For a period of 10 days days from the date of shipment or from the date that you download the Software Product, as applicable, KD warrants that when properly installed and used under normal conditions, the Software Product will perform substantially as advertised. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability UNLESS OTHERWISE EXPLICITLY AGREED TO IN WRITING BY KD, KD MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN FACT OR IN LAW, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT OR IN THE LIMITED WARRANTY DOCUMENTS PROVIDED WITH THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT. KD makes no warranty that the Software Product will meet your requirements or operate under your specific conditions of use. KD makes no warranty that operation of the Software Product will be secure, error free, or free from interruption. YOU MUST DETERMINE WHETHER THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT SUFFICIENTLY MEETS YOUR REQUIREMENTS FOR SECURITY AND UNINTERRUPTABILITY. YOU BEAR SOLE RESPONSIBILITY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS INCURRED DUE TO FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS. KD WILL NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR THE LOSS OF DATA ON ANY COMPUTER OR INFORMATION STORAGE DEVICE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL KD, ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING LOST REVENUES OR PROFITS OR LOSS OF BUSINESS) RESULTING FROM THIS AGREEMENT, OR FROM THE FURNISHING, PERFORMANCE, INSTALLATION, OR USE OF THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT, WHETHER DUE TO A BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR THE NEGLIGENCE OF KD OR ANY OTHER PARTY, EVEN IF KD IS ADVISED BEFOREHAND OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. TO THE EXTENT THAT THE APPLICABLE JURISDICTION LIMITS KD'S ABILITY TO DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, THIS DISCLAIMER SHALL BE EFFECTIVE TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED. Limitation of Remedies and Damages Your remedy for a breach of this Agreement or of any warranty included in this Agreement is the correction or replacement of the Software Product. Selection of whether to correct or replace shall be solely at the discretion of KD. KD reserves the right to substitute a functionally equivalent copy of the Software Product as a replacement. If KD is unable to provide a replacement or substitute Software Product or corrections to the Software Product, your sole alternate remedy shall be a refund of the purchase price for the Software Product exclusive of any costs for shipping and handling. Any claim must be made within the applicable warranty period. All warranties cover only defects arising under normal use and do not include malfunctions or failure resulting from misuse, abuse, neglect, alteration, problems with electrical power, acts of nature, unusual temperatures or humidity, improper installation, or damage determined by KD to have been caused by you. All limited warranties on the Software Product are granted only to you and are non-transferable. You agree to indemnify and hold KD harmless from all claims, judgments, liabilities, expenses, or costs arising from your breach of this Agreement and/or acts or omissions. Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Costs This Agreement is governed by the laws of California, without regard to California's conflict or choice of law provisions. Severability If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. To the extent any express or implied restrictions are not permitted by applicable laws, these express or implied restrictions shall remain in force and effect to the maximum extent permitted by such applicable laws.フォントサイズ:
421.22 KB
フォントのダウンロードができます LunchBox-Bold 登録不要の完全無料. フォント書体 Bold. フォントの製造元は LunchBox Bold is a trademark of Kimmy Design.. デザイナー - Kimmy Kirkwood. このフォントは作者によってパブリックドメインに指定されており、どのような目的でも無料で使用することができますしかし、あなたが商業目的でフォントを使用するつもりで、それを使用する権利がわからない場合は、ライセンスの種類を明確にするために作者に連絡してください.
デザイナーズフォント, 装飾的なフォント
ファイルサイズ - 421.22 KB.
- ブランドフォント
- ヴィンテージフォント
- 東洋のフォント
- ゴシック体フォント
- グラフィティフォント
- 装飾的なフォント
- デザイナーズフォント
- キッズフォント
- ボールドフォント
- アッパーケースフォント
- ヒエログリフフォント
- コミックフォント
- コンピュータのフォント
- アウトラインフォント
- タイプライテンフォント
- 珍しいフォント
- 新年のフォント
- イタリック体フォント
- 丸みを帯びたフォント
- 大文字のフォント
- 下線付きフォント
- スクラッチド・フォント
- ホリデーフォント
- レトロフォント
- ロシア語フォント
- 手書きフォント
- ファビュラスフォント
- 古いスラブ語のフォント
- フォントの家族
- ステンシルフォント
- ホラーフォント
- アーティスティックフォント
- 数字フォント
- Serifフォント
- 大文字のフォント
- 映画からのフォント
- Serifフォント
- タトゥーフォント
- FontYukleは2007年からフリーフォントを提供しています
- 3Dフォント
- LCDフォント
- ウォンテッドリーフォント
- 欧文フォント
- その他のフォント
- ギリシャ語フォント
- ミリタリーフォント
- ピクセルフォント
- カリグラフィーフォント
- ドローイングフォント
- ヒストリカルローマフォント
- 和風フォント
- モノスペースのフォント
- 外国語フォント
- テクノのフォント
- 長方形のフォント
- 破損したフォント
- テーマフォント
- カートゥーンフォント
- インスタグラムフォント
- アジアンフォント
- オルタナティブフォント
- アラビア語フォント
- アールデコフォント
- バレンタインデー
- ウェブフォント
- 欧文フォント
- Warpedフォント
- ケルティックフォント
- 美しいフォント
- マーカーフォント
- メキシカンフォント
- 火と氷
- モダンなフォント
- ローマ字とギリシャ語のフォント
- コンデンスフォント
- 結婚式用フォント
- スケッチフォント
- ソビエトのフォント
- モダンなフォント
- 中世のフォント
- オールドスクール
- ハロウィン・フォント
- スクールフォント
- 誕生日フォント
- ヘッダーフォント
- ファンタスティック・フォント
- コーダルフォント
- コミックのフォント
- テキスト用フォント
- ゲーム用フォント
- ブラシ・フォント
- スクイグルを使ったフォント
- グリッドフォント
- 影のフォント
- 建築フォント
- 英語フォント
- スペースフォント
- シャープフォント
- フォトショップ用フォント
- アンティークフォント
- ストリクトフォント
- リニアフォント
- チョークフォント
- イラストレーターフォント
- 追悼(儀式)フォント
- イースターフォント
- スペイン語フォント
- トレンドフォント
- 逆さまフォント
- ミラーフォント
- BDO用フォント
- ロゴ用フォント
- シンボリックフォント
- スポーツフォント
- ミュージカルフォント
- 薄い(エレガント)フォント
- チカーノフォント
- バブルフォント(泡)
- ハリー・ポッターフォント
- バシキールフォント
- バリアントフォント
- ふわふわフォント
- ぽっちゃりフォント
- タタール語フォント
- クロスアウトフォント
- Шрифты Брайля
- Итальянские шрифты
- Шрифты Genshin Impact
- Вытянутые шрифты
- Шрифты для Ворда
- Шрифты для телефона
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- Неоновые шрифты
- Кровавые (вампирские) шрифты