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Copyright (c) ARS Type¨-Angus R. Shamal, 1999-2010. All rights reserved.サブファミリー:
ARSType-AngusR.Shamal: ARS Maquette Pro Light: 1999フォントのフルネーム:
Version 1.002ポストスクリプトタイトル:
ARS Maquette is a trademark of ARS Type¨-Angus R. Shamal.デザイナー:
Angus R. ShamalベンダーのURL:フォントのライセンス:
ARS TYPE¨ End User License Agreement This license agreement is a legally binding contract between you, the licensee, and ARS Type¨ (Angus R. Shamal). By downloading, installing and/or using this font software, you acknowledge that you understand this license agreement and promise to comply with its terms. If you do not accept the terms, please do not complete the purchase transaction or installing the font. 1. License & Usage rights Upon payment of the usage fee, you are granted the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the font software on a number of computers within your organization as determined by the number of licenses you have purchased and stated in your invoice. By default, each ARS Type Typeface is licensed for 5 workstations (CPUs) at 1 location. You can purchase additional licenses at any time either directly from ARS Type or from the authorized Re-seller with which you placed your order. Please include your contact information, and the invoice number for any existing font licenses. The number of output devices (Laser/Color/Inkjet Printers) is not restricted, provided that these devices do not store the font software permanently. 2.1 Copyright Typeface design and font software ÐÊincluding all updates, expansions, modified versions and working copiesÊÐ are intellectual property of and are owned by ARS Type (Angus R. Shamal). You agree that typeface design and font software are protected by Dutch and International copyright, design patent and trademark laws. All rights reserved unless expressly granted in this agreement. For your own use and within the conditions granted in this agreement, you are allowed to make a backup copy of the font software, documentation and license agreement. You are not authorized to distribute the font software in any way, whether by selling, lending, donating or otherwise. 2.2 No Transfer of Rights. You shall not sell, lease, sublicense, allow to use, or otherwise assign or transfer any of your rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement, in whole or in part, to any person or entity. Without limiting the foregoing, Typefaces licensed for use by a specific publication shall not be transferred to or used by other publications owned or managed by a common corporate parent, and/or affiliated with the specific publication to which this license has been granted, without the purchase of an additional license from ARS Type. A transfer of the license you were granted requires a written permission by ARS Type; upon transfer of your license, you must delete the font software and all copies thereof. 3. Printing We recommend that you provide your service bureau with a Workflow PDF file with the font software embedded if the PDF file meets the conditions mentioned in paragraph 4.1. 4.1 Embedding in Workflow PDFs For the sole purpose of providing documents to printers or other outside suppliers for reproduction, ARS Type grants you a limited license to create and circulate Embedded Documents in the PDF format (ÒWorkflow PDFsÓ) subject to the following restrictions: (a) these Workflow PDFs must have ÒsubsettingÓ enabled, to limit to the greatest extent possible the number of characters of the Typefaces embedded; (b) Workflow PDFs must be configured to be Ònon-editable,Ó to prevent the alteration, addition, deletion or extraction of any text, by any party other than the licensee; (c) Workflow PDFs must be transmitted individually, on a one-to-one basis, over a closed network. Under no circumstances will this Agreement be construed to entitle you or your agents or assigns to broadcast Workflow PDFs, or any form of Embedded Documents, over public computer networks, including but not limited to publicly accessible pages on the World Wide Web. 4.2 Embedding in Flash Files For the sole purpose of creating vector graphics for inclusion on web pages, ARS Type grants you a limited license to create and circulate Embedded Documents in the SWF format (ÒFlash FilesÓ), subject to the following restrictions: (a) Flash Files must have ÒsubsettingÓ enabled, to limit to the greatest extent possible the number of characters of the Typefaces embedded; (b) Flash Files must be Òstatic,Ó not Òdynamic,Ó as to prevent any party other than the licensee from specifying, selecting, copying, cutting, pasting or modifying the text that is displayed in the Typefaces; (c) Flash Files must be configured to ÒProtect from Import.Ó 4.3 Embedding in commercial products Embedding the font software in commercial products requires a special license. (Examples: eBooks, games, DVDs or any other Software.) Contact ARS Type for more information. 4.4 Embedding for web You may use the font software in websites in a form of Cufn or sIFR for one (1) time on one (1) website. As of yet, you are not allowed to use the font software for web font linking via @font-face. For this purpose, ARS Type is working on offering a reliable special web fonts license possibilities in the near future. Please note that you are not allowed to do format conversion yourself (to web formats such as .woff format and .eot format), see paragraph 5 below. 5. Modification Any modification of the font software, including conversion into other formats, requires written permission by ARS Type. If permission was granted, the copyright for modified font software remains with ARS Type, and modified font software too is subject to the terms of this license agreement. Thus, modified font software must not be distributed in any way. 6. Upgrading You can upgrade non-featured ÔBasicÕ font software to the equivalent full-featured version at any time. Upon upgrading, you must delete the ÔBasicÕ font software version and all copies thereof. You can also upgrade your license for a larger number of workstations or to a fuller more complete family at any time. For more information about your specific request please contact ARS Type. Please include your order number and current license details. 7. Warranty and limitation of liability ARS Type has done everything to produce high quality OpenType fonts. Minimum system requirement is MacÊOSX or Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000. Please note that not all systems or applications support OpenType features and kerning at all or equally well. If you do experience any difficulties with our font software, please contact us, and we will do our best to resolve any issues. If this should not be possible, we will be pleased to refund your money, which shall be the limit of our liability in this transaction. Except for this warranty granted, there is no warranty for performance or results obtained by using the font software. ARS Type will not be liable for any damages, claims or costs whatsoever or any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, business interruption, nor for lost profits, savings or business information, arising out of any use of, or inability to use, the font software. 8. Final provisions If you breach any term of this agreement, ARS Type will immediately terminate the license and right of use. In the event of termination, you must delete the font software and all copies thereof. Should individual terms of this contract become invalid or unenforceable, all others will remain in full force and effect. This contract is subject to the law of the Netherlands. Place of jurisdiction Rotterdam District Court.フォントサイズ:
222.86 KB
フォントのダウンロードができます ARSMaquettePro-Italic 登録不要の完全無料. フォント書体 Italic. フォントの製造元は ARS Maquette is a trademark of ARS Type¨-Angus R. Shamal.. デザイナー - Angus R. Shamal. このフォントは作者によってパブリックドメインに指定されており、どのような目的でも無料で使用することができますしかし、あなたが商業目的でフォントを使用するつもりで、それを使用する権利がわからない場合は、ライセンスの種類を明確にするために作者に連絡してください.
ファイルサイズ - 222.86 KB.
- ブランドフォント
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- 東洋のフォント
- ゴシック体フォント
- グラフィティフォント
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- 珍しいフォント
- 新年のフォント
- イタリック体フォント
- 丸みを帯びたフォント
- 大文字のフォント
- 下線付きフォント
- スクラッチド・フォント
- ホリデーフォント
- レトロフォント
- ロシア語フォント
- 手書きフォント
- ファビュラスフォント
- 古いスラブ語のフォント
- フォントの家族
- ステンシルフォント
- ホラーフォント
- アーティスティックフォント
- 数字フォント
- Serifフォント
- 大文字のフォント
- 映画からのフォント
- Serifフォント
- タトゥーフォント
- FontYukleは2007年からフリーフォントを提供しています
- 3Dフォント
- LCDフォント
- ウォンテッドリーフォント
- 欧文フォント
- その他のフォント
- ギリシャ語フォント
- ミリタリーフォント
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- カリグラフィーフォント
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- 和風フォント
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- 長方形のフォント
- 破損したフォント
- テーマフォント
- カートゥーンフォント
- インスタグラムフォント
- アジアンフォント
- オルタナティブフォント
- アラビア語フォント
- アールデコフォント
- バレンタインデー
- ウェブフォント
- 欧文フォント
- Warpedフォント
- ケルティックフォント
- 美しいフォント
- マーカーフォント
- メキシカンフォント
- 火と氷
- モダンなフォント
- ローマ字とギリシャ語のフォント
- コンデンスフォント
- 結婚式用フォント
- スケッチフォント
- ソビエトのフォント
- モダンなフォント
- 中世のフォント
- オールドスクール
- ハロウィン・フォント
- スクールフォント
- 誕生日フォント
- ヘッダーフォント
- ファンタスティック・フォント
- コーダルフォント
- コミックのフォント
- テキスト用フォント
- ゲーム用フォント
- ブラシ・フォント
- スクイグルを使ったフォント
- グリッドフォント
- 影のフォント
- 建築フォント
- 英語フォント
- スペースフォント
- シャープフォント
- フォトショップ用フォント
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- ストリクトフォント
- リニアフォント
- チョークフォント
- イラストレーターフォント
- 追悼(儀式)フォント
- イースターフォント
- スペイン語フォント
- トレンドフォント
- 逆さまフォント
- ミラーフォント
- BDO用フォント
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- シンボリックフォント
- スポーツフォント
- ミュージカルフォント
- 薄い(エレガント)フォント
- チカーノフォント
- バブルフォント(泡)
- ハリー・ポッターフォント
- バシキールフォント
- バリアントフォント
- ふわふわフォント
- ぽっちゃりフォント
- タタール語フォント
- クロスアウトフォント
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