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Typeface © (Dwi Creatifive). 2020. All Rights ReservedPodčeleď:
Drifter Seriff:Version 1.00Úplný název písma:
Version 1.00;May 9, 2020;FontCreator 64-bitNázev PostScript:
Dwi NuryantoLicence na písma:
Fonts Free For Personal Use License (FFP) Preamble In this license, 'the given typeface' refers to the given .zip file, which may contain one or numerous fonts. These fonts can be of any type (.ttf, .otf, ...) and together they form a 'font family' or in short a 'typeface'. 1. Copyright The given typeface is the intellectual property of its respective author, provided it is original, and is protected by copyright laws in many parts of the world. 2. Personal Use The given typeface may be downloaded and used free of charge for personal use, as long as the usage is not racist or illegal. Personal use refers to all usage that does not generate financial income in a business manner, for instance: - personal scrapbooking for yourself - recreational websites and blogs for friends and family - prints such as flyers, posters, t-shirts for churches, charities, and non-profit organizations 3. Commercial Use Commercial use is not allowed without prior written permission from the respective author. Please contact the author to ask for commercial licensing. Commercial use refers to usage in a business environment, including: - business cards, logos, advertising, websites, mobile apps for companies - t-shirts, books, apparel that will be sold for money - flyers, posters for events that charge admission - freelance graphic design work - anything that will generate direct or indirect income 4. Modification The given typeface may not be modified, altered, adapted or built upon without written permission by its respective author. This pertains all files within the downloadable font zip-file. 5. Conversion The given typeface may be converted to other formats such as WOFF, SVG or EOT webfonts, as long as the font is not modified in any other way, such as changing names or altering individual glyphs. 6. Distribution While the given typeface may freely be copied and passed along to other individuals for private use as its original downloadable zip-file, it may not be sold or published without written permission by its respective author. 7. Embedding The given typeface may be embedded into an application such as a web- or mobile app, as long as the application is of personal use and does not distribute the given typeface, such as offering it as a download. 8. Disclaimer The given typeface is offered 'as is' without any warranty. 1001fonts.com and the respective author of the given typeface shall not be liable for any damage derived from using this typeface. By using the given typeface you agree to the terms of this license.Velikost písma:
156.94 KBPísmo si můžete stáhnout Drifter Seriff zcela zdarma, bez registrace. Typ písma Regular. Výrobce písma je Imaginatype. Designér - Dwi Nuryanto. Písmo je autorem umístěno ve veřejném vlastnictví a může být použito zdarma pro jakýkoli účel. Pokud však máte v úmyslu písmo použít ke komerčním účelům a nejste si jisti právy k jeho použití, kontaktujte autora, abyste si ujasnili typ licence..
Písma patří do kategorií:
Písma serif
Velikost souboru - 156.94 KB.
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