
DF-Stromboli DF-Stromboli

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Copyright (c) 2010 by Ko Sliggers. All rights reserved.




KoSliggers: DF-Stromboli: 2010

Úplný název písma:



Version 1.001

Název PostScript:




Ko Sliggers

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Licence na písma:

With purchasing any Dutchfonts font, you will agree to the following terms of the license agreement for use of the fonts: 1. Basic User. Each font (one character set or weight) is automatically licensed for a Basic User configuration of any combination up to 6 devices, such as I (one) printer or other output device and 5 (five) cpu's on one single location/entity. 2. Extended User. An Extended User license is required for more than 6 devices on one location/entity. Add 50% of the price for each additional 5 devices. 3. An output device is any equipment to generate final display from, such as a printer, typesetter, a film recorder or other output device. 4. Each location or entity requires to purchase a separate Basic or Extended User license. 5. Dutchfonts typefaces, font software and typeface designs are intellectual property and copyright of Dutchfonts and their designer(s). Dutchfonts software may not be copied or duplicated other than for backup purposes. Dutchfonts software or outline representations derived from Dutchfonts software may not be sold or licensed to other parties. 6. You agree not to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, alter, redigitize, convert or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Dutchfonts Font Software. 7. Embedding Dutchfonts Font Software is not permitted. Exept in documents which taken to a commercial printer or service bureau and are used by the printer or service bureau. 8. All purchases are nonreturnable and nonrefundable. 9. Dutchfonts typefaces are provided "as is", without warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise. Dutchfonts is not responsible for any damages or losses that may occur by using, not using or not being able to use Dutchfonts font software. 10. Any display representation derived from Dutchfonts software (such as EPS files, PDF files, outline illustrations) must be used according the original licensing terms. Copyright 2005, Ko Sliggers/Dutchfonts. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, copying, duplication, reusing and/or distributing is strictly prohibited. Dutchfonts, the Dutchfonts logo, Kolight, Koheavy, KoKAP1, KoKAP2, Kofamily, Etalage-script, Ari‘nne, Staple, Staple Mono, Staple txt, Pommes, Pommes Alumettes, Pommes Frites, Pommes Dauphine, Pommes Dauphine-UH, Daantje, Pigtail, Stromboli and Camino are trademarks of Ko Sliggers and Dutchfonts.

Velikost písma:

965.82 KB


965.82 KB

Písmo si můžete stáhnout DF-Stromboli zcela zdarma, bez registrace. Typ písma Regular. Výrobce písma je DF-Stromboli is a trademark of Ko Sliggers.. Designér - Ko Sliggers. Písmo je autorem umístěno ve veřejném vlastnictví a může být použito zdarma pro jakýkoli účel. Pokud však máte v úmyslu písmo použít ke komerčním účelům a nejste si jisti právy k jeho použití, kontaktujte autora, abyste si ujasnili typ licence..

Písma patří do kategorií: Poškozená písma
Velikost souboru - 965.82 KB.

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