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Copyright (c) 2011 by Alex Sheldon for Match and Kerosene. All rights reserved.Подсемейство:
FONTLAB:OTFEXPORTПълно име на шрифта:
1.000Заглавие на PostScript:
Detroit 01 Drop One is a trademark of Alex Sheldon for Match and Kerosene.Дизайнер:
Alex Sheldon for Match and KeroseneАдрес на продавача:
http://www.matchandkerosene.comЛицензи за шрифтове:
EULA - the End User License Agreement - 1. General This document is a legal agreement between you, the end user, and Match and Kerosene. By using or installing font software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. In this document the term "font software" refers to any program or piece of code and/or computer information containing data that can be used to output letterforms or designs to any output or display device currently known or unknown. 2. License Grant Purpose of use: You may use Match and Kerosene font softwear(s) both for commercial and non-commercial works. Number of Users: In consideration for the license fee paid, Match and Kerosene grants to you only, the Licensee, the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use and display the Match and Kerosene font software purchased through this service on up to five (5) CPUs at your site connected to any number of printers at your own site. If you have paid for a multi-user license* for more than five (5) CPUs, the maximum number of CPUs is equal to the number of users specified in the applicable receipt. If you are using this product for your work, this agreement applies to your employer. Backups: You may make one (1) copy of the Match and Kerosene font software data solely for backup purposes provided the copyright and trademark notices are reproduced in their entirety on the backup copy. Third Parties: You may send a copy of any Match and Kerosene font software along with your documents to a commercial printer or other service bureau to enable the editing or printing of your document, provided that such party agrees to delete the font or fonts from his/her/their system upon completion of your project. Portable Documents: You may "embed" Match and Kerosene font(s) within PostScript-Language files, .PDF files, and .EVY files for distribution, viewing, and imaging to other parties. Distributions: You may not rent, lease, sublicense, give, lend, or further distribute the font software. Modifications: You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the Match and Kerosene font software without prior written consent from Match and Kerosene. 3. Copyright The Match and Kerosene font software data is copyrighted; unauthorized copying of Match and Kerosene is expressly forbidden. You may be held legally responsible for any infringement of Match and Kerosene's intellectual property rights that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by the terms of this Agreement. 4. Termination This Agreement will immediately and automatically terminate without notice if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. If this Agreement is terminated, you agreed to destroy all copies of the font data in your possession. 5. Multi-user License You can purchase Multi-user license through venders at a discounted price. If you purchase from venders, Please follow their EULA. This font is freeware. You can use it freely for all your personal and commercial work. The font files may not be modified without written permission from Alex Sheldon / Match and Kerosene. This font may not be sold. This font may not be redistributed, shared, repackaged or included in any online or offline archive, font collection, web site or CD-ROM without written permission from Alex Sheldon / Match and Kerosene. Embedding this font in a PDF document is allowed. Embedding this font in a web page with a @font-face declaration is allowed once you credit Match and Kerosene with a link somewhere on your site. Except for your right to use this font, all other rights are owned and retained by Alex Sheldon / Match and Kerosene. Alex Sheldon / Match and Kerosene is not liable for any damage resulting from the use of this font. Thank you!Размер на шрифта:
23.63 KBМожете да изтеглите шрифт Detroit01DropOne напълно безплатно, без регистрация. Шрифт тип Regular. Производителят на шрифта е Detroit 01 Drop One is a trademark of Alex Sheldon for Match and Kerosene.. Дизайнер - Alex Sheldon for Match and Kerosene. Шрифтът е предоставен от автора като обществено достояние и може да се използва безплатно за всякакви цели. Ако обаче възнамерявате да използвате шрифта за търговски цели и не сте сигурни в правата за използването му, моля, свържете се с автора, за да уточните вида на лиценза.
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Размер на файла - 23.63 KB.
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