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Published by Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2008 Copyright © by Binnenland and, 2008. All rights reserved. This software may not be reproduced, used, displayed, modified, disclosed or transferred without the express written approval of (Binnenland).Подсемейство:
NikThoenen( Blender Pro Book: 2002Пълно име на шрифта:
Version 3.006 2009Заглавие на PostScript:
Nik ThoenenАдрес на продавача:Лицензи за шрифтове:
Die Gestalten Verlag (DGV) - Font Licence Agreement Licence Contents By purchasing fonts from DGV, the user is transferred the right to use a limited number of copies of the original font software. This Licence is non-exclusive and not transferable to third parties. The "Single Licence" allows the use on up to six (6) devices (such as computer, printer, digital typesetting machine or other machines generating characters for processing) that belong to the same person or company. The "Multi-Licence" increases the number of devices released for use up to a maximum of twenty (20). In order to further increase the number of devices in excess of this number, additional "Multi-Licences" have to be acquired. The Licences do not include the right of resale, sub-Licence and electronic transmission. The Licence does not include the right to modify, reformat or otherwise change the source-code of the font. Free Fonts Fonts placed at disposal free of charge for downloading may be used by the user on an unlimited number of devices in his possession. Other Licence provisions shall not be affected. Commercial distribution or resale of DGV free fonts shall not be permitted. Embedding Fonts Embedding DGV fonts into electronic documents (such as PDF, Powerpoint, OpenDoc, PGML or others) is only permitted insofar as same is effected on computers owned by the licensee, and provided, further, that such said computers are registered with a valid license for the said, applicable fonts so embedded. In the event that data is passed on to third parties (e.g. to a service studio, printer, newsletter, or loaded up on an internet page or any such similar usage), then the font information shall, in each instance and prior to any such transfer of any such data to third parties, be converted into non-editable outlines. Warranty All DGV fonts have been tested on standard "Mac OS X"- and "Windows XP"- driven computer systems. Possibly some fonts do not include a complete letterset. In this context, please pay also attention to our limitation on liability. Limitation on Liability DGV does not assume any liability for damage - regardless of the type or extent of damage - resulting from the use or the downloading of fonts by Licencee or a third party in so far as DGV can only be blamed for the negligent violation of obligations and/or the respective obligations of our vicarious agents and other persons employed by us in the performance of our obligations; unless DGV has infringed upon material obligations or rights so that the attainment of the purpose of the contract is jeopardized or the Licencee has suffered health damage. Towards entrepreneurs we shall be liable for foreseeable damage and damage typical to the business only; liability towards entrepreneurs for gross negligence of our vicarious agents and other persons employed by us in the performance of our obligations shall be excluded. Violation Violations against this Licence by the Licencee shall automatically cause this Licence to be terminated. In such cases the relevant font and all products containing the font shall not be used, published, and/or distributed. All available copies of the font shall promptly be destroyed. DGV reserves the right to initiate civil and criminal proceedings for violations against the Licence. Please bear in mind that font-piracy is illegal and punishable!Размер на шрифта:
76.47 KB
Можете да изтеглите шрифт Blender Pro Book напълно безплатно, без регистрация. Шрифт тип Regular. Дизайнер - Nik Thoenen. Шрифтът е предоставен от автора като обществено достояние и може да се използва безплатно за всякакви цели. Ако обаче възнамерявате да използвате шрифта за търговски цели и не сте сигурни в правата за използването му, моля, свържете се с автора, за да уточните вида на лиценза.
Шрифтовете принадлежат към категории:
Шрифт за игри, Шрифтове за лога
Размер на файла - 76.47 KB.
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