
Carrinady Carrinady

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Use these files only in accordance with the requirements of your purchased license. Do not violate copyright.

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pyrs: Carrinady: 2016

Pilnas šrifto pavadinimas:



Version 1.000;PS 001.001;hotconv 1.0.56

PostScript pavadinimas:



Šriftų licencijos:

1. The Font is protected by copyright law. The Carrinady is the sole, exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights, including rights under copyright and trademark law. Licensee agrees not to use the Font in any manner that infringes the intellectual property rights of the Carrinady or violates the terms of this. Licensee will be held legally responsible, and indemnifies Fontspring, for any infringements on the foundry's rights caused by failure to abide by the terms of this. 2. Not modify the Font or create derivative works based upon the Font without prior written consent from the owning Carrinady (“Carrinady”) EXCEPT THAT Licensee may generate files necessary for embedding or linking in accordance with this. 3. Licenses for computer applications and games, installable interactive books, software, mobile applications and games, Ebooks and Epubs, website templates, website template distribution, product creation. and other uses not allowed by this Agreement may be available for an additional fee. Contact Author at for more information.

Šrifto dydis:

14.54 KB


14.54 KB

Galite atsisiųsti šriftą Carrinady visiškai nemokamai, be registracijos. Šrifto šriftas Regular. Šrifto gamintojas yra Please refer to the Copyright section for the font trademark attribution notices.. Šriftą autorius paskelbė viešąja nuosavybe ir jį galima naudoti nemokamai bet kokiais tikslais. Tačiau jei ketinate naudoti šriftą komerciniais tikslais ir nesate tikri dėl jo naudojimo teisių, susisiekite su autoriumi, kad išsiaiškintumėte licencijos tipą.

Šriftai priklauso kategorijoms: Šiuolaikiniai šriftai
Failo dydis - 14.54 KB.

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