Apotheque Hand
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Free for Personal/Private Use. Commercial Use Not Permitted Without A Commercial LicenceSubfamilia:
BonezDesignz-FieClarke: Apotheque Hand: 2015Nombre completo de la fuente:
Apotheque HandVersión:
Version 1.000Título PostScript:
Bonez Designz - Fie ClarkeURL del vendedor:
BonezDesignz.comLicencias de fuentes:
End User Licence Agreement Apotheque Personal Use Only By installing and/or using this font you agree to be bound by the terms in this end user licence agreement You can use this font freely for all personal work use of the Font Software for your customary personal purposes and shall not mean any distribution whatsoever of the Font Software or any component or Derivative Work thereof. “Personal Use” shall include Use of the Font Software within your Licensed Unit by persons that are members of your immediate household. eg. lost cat poster, school project, something for your own personal use. You may keep one back up copy of this font Commercial use of the font is not permitted without written permission document or data file created or product displaying the Font by Use of the Font which is offered for distribution to the general public (or to some subset of the general public). By way of illustration and not by way of limitation, an electronic book or magazine distributed for a fee shall be considered a Commercial Product eg. logo, advertising, items that will be sold The font may not be modified without written permission and no derivative works are to be created from the font The font is not to be sold The font may not be distributed, shared, repackaged or included in any online or offline archive, font collection, website or cd rom without written permission Embedding the font within a PDFs or image (eg. .PNG) is permitted for personal use Embedding of the font on web pages is not permitted without written permission You acknowledge all rights and copyrights are owned and retained by Bonez Designz Bonez Designs is not liability for any damages resulting from the use of the fontTamaño de fuente:
60.87 KBPuede descargar el tipo de letra Apotheque totalmente gratis, sin registro. Tipo de letra Hand. Diseñador - Bonez Designz - Fie Clarke. El autor ha puesto la fuente en el dominio público y puede utilizarse gratuitamente para cualquier fin. Sin embargo, si tiene intención de utilizar la fuente con fines comerciales y no está seguro de los derechos de uso, póngase en contacto con el autor para aclarar el tipo de licencia.
Las fuentes pertenecen a categorías:
Fuentes retro
Tamaño del archivo - 60.87 KB.
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