7 hours

7 hours 7 hours

5 /1 s spletne strani . 5

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


http://members.aol.com/vroomfonde/ttf/ - 7 hours Copyright (c) 1997 Tom 7 - Free! But not to be redistributed for a charge (on CD for instance!) - ImightbeTM@aol.com - Tom 7 - 339 Still Hill Rd - Hamden CT 06518.1830 - Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy you kno




Frog: 7 hours: Rev 1

Celotno ime pisave:

7 hours


Revision 1: 9.2.97

Naslov PostScript:




Tom Murphy 7

URL prodajalca:


Licence za pisave:

Here is the summary of the license for this font, which may be overridden by (most likely very similar) new licenses at the URL below. NO MONEY must ever exchange hands for this font file, without EXPLICIT WRITTEN PERMISSION from the designer. This means you MAY NOT SELL THIS FONT on a font-collection CD, nor singularly nor part of any other type package. You may distribute this font file to anyone you want, as long as you do not modify it and do not charge any money or services. You can use this font in noncommercial applications and websites freely and without the designer's permission. You can use this font for commercial purposes provided you notify the designer (ImightbeTM@aol.com) and provide him with a free sample of the associated product, where appropriate. Your conscience gets to decide what is appropriate. For the full license and updates: http://members.aol.com/vroomfonde/ttf/legal.html Mailing address: Tom Murphy 7 339 Still Hill Rd Hamden CT 06518.1830 USA

Velikost pisave:

29.74 KB
7 hours

7 hours

29.74 KB

Pisavo lahko prenesete 7 hours popolnoma brezplačno, brez registracije. Tip pisave Regular. Proizvajalec pisave je 7 hours Copyright (c) 1997 Tom 7. All Rights Reversed.. Oblikovalec - Tom Murphy 7. Pisava je s strani avtorja dana v javno last in se lahko brezplačno uporablja za kakršen koli namen. Če pa nameravate pisavo uporabljati v komercialne namene in niste prepričani o pravicah za njeno uporabo, se obrnite na avtorja, da pojasni vrsto licence.

Pisave spadajo v kategorije: Ročno napisane pisave
Velikost datoteke - 29.74 KB.

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