
WCWunderbachPaintBta WCWunderbachPaintBta

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Copyright (c) 2006 by WC Fonts/Chank Co. All rights reserved. Do not redistribute this font without permission.




WCFonts: WCWunderbachPaintBta: 2006

Úplný názov písma:



Version 1.101;PS 001.001;hotconv 1.0.38

Názov PostScript:




WC Fonts

Licencie na písma:

RECREATIONAL USE LICENSE The font ÒWC Wunderbach Paint BtaÓ is (c) copyright 2006 WC FONTS/CHANK CO, all rights reserved. Please do not redistribute or alter this font. This font is not to be redistributed, resold or remarketed. This font is free to use in any private, recreational manner. You may use this font for your own personal website or communications, or for personal design work you might do for a friend, such as a birthday party invite, an indie band CD, a personal website or a personal scrapbooking project. But if you plan to use this font in a commercial manner that you will get paid for, or if you are using it for product packaging for other promotional materials, you must contact Chank Co to obtain a Commercial Use License. If you plan to use this font commercially in any way contact friendlyfolks@chank.com for terms of commercial use, or call us toll-free at 1-877-GO-CHANK! (or 612-782-2245 outside the U.S.). This font file is not to be included on any other archive or personal website for download. Yes, you may use this font to create graphics for your personal site but do not put the font file on the web site for download. Thank you ;) Thank you for your interest in my fonts and good luck to you!

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108.05 KB


108.05 KB

Písmo si môžete stiahnuť WC Wunderbach Paint Bta úplne zadarmo, bez registrácie. Typ písma Regular. Výrobca písma je WC Wunderbach Paint Bta is a trademark of WC Fonts.. Dizajnér - WC Fonts. Toto písmo je autorom umiestnené vo verejnej doméne a môže sa používať bezplatne na akýkoľvek účel. Ak však máte v úmysle používať písmo na komerčné účely a nie ste si istí právami na jeho používanie, obráťte sa na autora, aby ste si ujasnili typ licencie.

Písma patria do kategórií: Vojenské písma
Veľkosť súboru - 108.05 KB.

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