mr_White RabbitG

mr_White RabbitG mr_White RabbitG

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Copyright © 1999 by Matthew Welch. All Rights Reserved.




mr_White RabbitG:Version 0.00

Nome completo do tipo de letra:

mr_White RabbitG

Versão do ficheiro:

Version 0.00 February 20, 2019

Título PostScript:




Matthew Welch

URL do fornecedor:

Licenças de fontes:

White Rabbit, like all of my fonts, is free. You can use it for most personal or business uses you'd like, and I ask for no money. I would, however, like to hear from you. If you use my fonts for something please send me a postcard or e-mail letting me know how you used it. Send me a copy if you can or let me know where I can find your work. You may use this font for graphical or printed work, but you may not sell it or include it in a collection of fonts (on CD or otherwise) being sold. You can redistribute this font as long as you charge nothing to receive it. If you redistribute it include this text file with it as is (without modifications). If you use this font for commercial purposes please credit me in at least some little way.

Tamanho do tipo de letra:

26.20 KB
mr_White RabbitG

mr_White RabbitG

26.20 KB

Pode descarregar o tipo de letra mr_White RabbitG absolutamente grátis, sem registo. Tipo de letra Regular. O fabricante da fonte é White Rabbit™ Trademark of Matthew Welch. Designer - Matthew Welch. A fonte é colocada no domínio público pelo autor e pode ser utilizada gratuitamente para qualquer fim. No entanto, se pretende utilizar a fonte para fins comerciais e não tem a certeza dos direitos de utilização, contacte o autor para esclarecer o tipo de licença.

As fontes pertencem a categorias: Outras fontes
Tamanho do ficheiro - 26.20 KB.

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