Can't judge a book by its cover

Can't judge a book by its cover Can't judge a book by its cover

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Can't judge a book by its cover © Poemhaiku <2014>. All Rights Reserved. [ Please credit and link back to ( if you use any font of mine. For commercial purposes contact me to buy a licence. ] .




Can't judge a book by its cover:Version 1.00

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Can't judge a book by its cover


Version 1.00 June 9, 2014, initial release

Judul PostScript:



Le Thi Thu Huong

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Free for personal use only. Don't use this font for any commercial purpose as a part of logo/book cover/program/app, etc., before buy a licence from me.

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24.04 KB
Can't judge a book by its cover

Can't judge a book by its cover

24.04 KB

Anda dapat mengunduh font Can't judge a book by its cover benar-benar gratis, tanpa registrasi. Jenis huruf Normal. Desainer - Le Thi Thu Huong. Font ini ditempatkan di domain publik oleh penulis dan dapat digunakan secara gratis untuk tujuan apa pun. Namun, jika Anda berniat menggunakan font ini untuk tujuan komersial dan tidak yakin dengan hak untuk menggunakannya, silakan hubungi penulis untuk mengklarifikasi jenis lisensinya.

Huruf termasuk dalam kategori: Font tematik
Ukuran file - 24.04 KB.

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