HFF Low Sun

HFF Low Sun HFF Low Sun

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


HFF Low Sun © Have Fun with Fonts, 2013. Free for personal, non-commercial use only




HaveFunwithFonts: HFF Low Sun: 2013

Nom complet de la police:

HFF Low Sun


1.0 [13 March 2013]

Titre PostScript:




Digitized and expanded by Have Fun with Fonts

URL du vendeur:


Licences des polices:

TERMS OF USE =========== HFF Low Sun =========== HFF Low Sun is free for personal and/or non-commercial use. You can use HFF Low Sun to your heart's content if it is only to be used on your own computer, for your school projects or for anything that you and/or the entity you represent will not get paid or make a profit. Send an email to fontfun@gmail.com to inquire about the use of HFF Low Sun for purposes that is not covered by the free use conditions stated above. I would like to know how and where you are going to use the font. The use of HFF Low Sun as a web font on a web site that have text, banner and other form of advertisement is not considered as personal use. Web sites of business and/or commercial entities even without advertisements must get a license for the use of HFF Low Sun as a web font. Send an email to fontfun@gmail.com for details. HFF Low Sun should not be included in font archives and other sites that makes available the font for download without my expressed permission. Likewise, HFF Low Sun should not be included in font compilations stored in any media without permission. Send an email to fontfun@gmail.com to request permission. HFF fontfun@gmail.com

Taille de la police:

31.54 KB
HFF Low Sun

HFF Low Sun

31.54 KB

Vous pouvez télécharger la police HFF Low Sun totalement gratuit, sans enregistrement. Police de caractères Regular. Le fabricant de polices est HFF Low Sun is a trademark of Have Fun with Fonts. Créateur - Digitized and expanded by Have Fun with Fonts. La police est placée dans le domaine public par l'auteur et peut être utilisée gratuitement dans n'importe quel but. Cependant, si vous avez l'intention d'utiliser la police à des fins commerciales et que vous n'êtes pas sûr des droits d'utilisation, veuillez contacter l'auteur pour clarifier le type de licence..

Les polices appartiennent à des catégories: Polices manuscrites
Taille du fichier - 31.54 KB.

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