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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Modern Serif ItalicАвтор:Typeface © Galdino Otten. 2015. All Rights ReservedЛицензия:Commercial
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
She Curls In The Mist RegularАвтор:Andrew McCluskeyЛицензия:Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
spinweradЛицензия:Copyright (c) 2009, gluk (, with Reserved Font Name spinwerad. This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at: ----
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Steiner LightАвтор:Gabriele Magurno - http://www.magurno.comЛицензия:Freeware