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Copyright © 2009, Larry E. Yerkes, Vigilante Typeface Corporation,WolfBainx and Associates All rights reserved. This font should not be distributed without a License and is not to be modified under any circumstances.This Font is provided free for personal non-commercial use and not to be used for commercial purposes without purchasing those rights from the copyright holder. Email: Abrasiveart@gmail.com for any questions or to purchase the rights to use this font in a commercial venture.-(http://www.myspace.com/wolfbainx - http://wolfbainx.deviantart.com/ - http://www.facebook.com/wolfbainx)Unterfamilie:
WolfBainX-LarryE.Yerkes,VigilanteTypefaceCorporation: VTC-BadEnglischOne: 2010Vollständiger Name der Schrift:
Version 1.000 2010 initial releasePostScript-Titel:
VTC-BadEnglischOne is a trademark of WolfBainX- Larry E. Yerkes, Vigilante Typeface Corporation.Designer:
WolfBainX- Larry E. Yerkes, Vigilante Typeface CorporationURL des Anbieters:
http://www.myspace.com/wolfbainxLizenzen für Schriften:
Copyright © 2010, Larry E. Yerkes, Vigilante Typeface Corporation,WolfBainx and Associates All rights reserved. This font should not be distributed without a License and is not to be modified in any way by use of font software. Feel free to photoshop away and modify the look any way you wish. All I ask is that you not modify the actual font "Code" Itself. This Font is provided free for personal non-commercial use and not to be used for commercial purposes without permission of the copyright holder or by purchasing those rights from the copyright holder. Email: Abrasiveart@gmail.com for any questions or to purchase the rights to use this font in a commercial venture. Feel free to Use this font any non commercial way you wish! By non-commercial I mean if you are not going to make a ton of money off of my typeface feel free to use it as you wish. If I start seeing it on tshirts in the mall without my permission,expect a call or me showing up at your door.haha. If you want to use this typeface on shirts,hats,cups,stickers, etc...all I ask is I'm given proper credit for the font design and I love to recieve gifts of what my typeface is being used for so feel free to contact me anytime about showing me how my fonts are being used! I wear a 4XLT if you want to send me a shirt! haha! best regards Larry E Yerkes WolfBainX AbrasiveArt@gmail.com The following are my websites currently where I can be reached. http://www.myspace.com/wolfbainx - http://wolfbainx.deviantart.com/ - http://www.facebook.com/wolfbainxSchriftgröße:
127.85 KB
Sie können die Schrift herunterladen VTC-BadEnglischOne absolut kostenlos, ohne Registrierung. Schriftart Regular. Der Hersteller der Schriftart ist VTC-BadEnglischOne is a trademark of WolfBainX- Larry E. Yerkes, Vigilante Typeface Corporation.. Designer - WolfBainX- Larry E. Yerkes, Vigilante Typeface Corporation. Die Schriftart wurde vom Autor in die Public Domain gestellt und kann kostenlos für jeden Zweck verwendet werden. Wenn Sie jedoch beabsichtigen, die Schrift für kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen und sich über die Nutzungsrechte nicht sicher sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Autor, um die Art der Lizenz zu klären.
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Größe der Datei - 127.85 KB.
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