
MaximageGimbadong MaximageGimbadong

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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Copyright (c) 2015 by Maximage. All rights reserved.




Maximage: Maximage Gimbadong: 2015

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EULA Maximage Free Fonts License By downloading and/or installing font software (“Font”) offered by Maximage or its distributors, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions of this End User Licensing Agreement (“EULA”): 
1. Copyright
The given typeface is the intellectual property of its respective author, provided it is original, and is protected by copyright laws in many parts of the world.

2. Usage
The given typeface may be downloaded and used free of charge for both personal and commercial usel. 
3. Modification
The given typeface may not be modified, altered, adapted or built upon without written permission by its respective author. This pertains all files within the downloadable font zip-file. 

4. Conversion
The given typeface may be converted to other formats such as WOFF, SVG or EOT webfonts, as long as the font is not modified in any other way, such as changing names or altering individual glyphs.

5. Distribution
While the given typeface may freely be copied and passed along to other individuals for private use as its original downloadable zip-file, it may not be sold or published without written permission by its respective author.

6. Embedding
The given typeface may be embedded into an application such as a web- or mobile app, independant of the number of the application users, as long as the application does not distribute the given typeface, such as offering it as a download.

7. Disclaimer
The given typeface is offered 'as is' without any warranty. Maximage and the respective author of the given typeface shall not be liable for any damage derived from using this typeface. By using the given typeface you agree to the terms of this license. 2015, Maximage Société Suisse ( Thanks for using ! Donate: Paylpal,


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Sie können die Schrift herunterladen Maximage Gimbadong absolut kostenlos, ohne Registrierung. Schriftart Regular. Der Hersteller der Schriftart ist Maximage Gimbadong is a trademark of Maximage.. Designer - Maximage. Die Schriftart wurde vom Autor in die Public Domain gestellt und kann kostenlos für jeden Zweck verwendet werden. Wenn Sie jedoch beabsichtigen, die Schrift für kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen und sich über die Nutzungsrechte nicht sicher sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Autor, um die Art der Lizenz zu klären.

Schriftarten gehören zu Kategorien: Asiatische Schriftarten
Größe der Datei - 47.33 KB.

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