Britson Regular
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Copyright (c) 2018 by Nirmana Visual. All rights reserved.Unterfamilie:
NirmanaVisual: Britson Regular: 2018Vollständiger Name der Schrift:
Britson RegularVersion:
Version 1.001PostScript-Titel:
Britson Regular is a trademark of Nirmana Visual.Designer:
Sigit DwipaURL des Anbieters: für Schriften:
You must not open, edit or otherwise modify the font (“converting to paths” and editing in a program such as Illustrator is permitted – just as long as the result is not converted back into font software for redistribution. Use of “converted to paths” type outlines for logos, headines etc is permitted). * You cannot redistribute the font . * Editing and/or renaming the font is not permitted – this does not constitute creating an original font and does not negate the terms of the original license. Device can provide custom font design, adaption and related licensing for all your needs. * Using elements of the font as a basis of a new font is not permitted. * If you wish the font to be used as part of a campaign or style bible, and need other agencies or individuals to use the same font, they will need to purchase the relevant licenses themselves from an authorized Device reseller. The correct way to do this is to list the URL of the reseller or Device ( in your material. A list of current resellers is available in the ‘Device Fonts Information’ file. * Respect copyright – the legal consequences of using unlicensed or adapted fonts can be very expensive and result in the enforced removal of all offending copies. Badly adapted fonts are often found to have a range of serious technical and design errors, the most common being missing kerning (contextual inter letter spacing), missing characters, poor spacing, incorrect point construction (leading to printing problems and distorted character shapes), font ID clashes and missing counters due to incorrect path directions. Be legal, be safe. Standard License Unlimited projects for personal use 10 project commercial use 1 user 5 end product up to 500 sales 5 project up to 10.000 viewers per month 1000 downloaded files for digital product Pro version of the font (full glyph access, open type features, bonus & EULA_license letter) *More details will be add on the following files once item downloaded. Extend License Unlimited projects for personal use Unlimited projects for commercial use 1 user Unlimited end products Unlimited viewers Unlimited downloaded files for digital product Pro version of the font (full glyph access, open type features, bonus & EULA_license letter) *More details will be add on the following files once item downloaded. * For more information about extend license via emailSchriftgröße:
50.17 KBSie können die Schrift herunterladen Britson absolut kostenlos, ohne Registrierung. Schriftart Regular. Der Hersteller der Schriftart ist Britson Regular is a trademark of Nirmana Visual.. Designer - Sigit Dwipa. Die Schriftart wurde vom Autor in die Public Domain gestellt und kann kostenlos für jeden Zweck verwendet werden. Wenn Sie jedoch beabsichtigen, die Schrift für kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen und sich über die Nutzungsrechte nicht sicher sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Autor, um die Art der Lizenz zu klären.
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Größe der Datei - 50.17 KB.
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