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© 2020 Mark DubonosovUnterfamilie:
Version 1.000;;Belozersk-Regular;2020;FL712Vollständiger Name der Schrift:
Version 1.000PostScript-Titel:
Mark DubonosovURL des Anbieters: für Schriften:
Copyright 2020 Mark Dubonosov ( Belozersk Font __________________________________________ Free Font End User License Agreement EULA 2020 By downloading and/or installing Misto Free Font you agree to following EULA License: Misto font available for free download can be used for both personal and commercial work. ALLOWED USES: You may use the free font to create images on any surface such as computer screens, paper, web pages, photograohs, movie credits, pritned material, T-shoerts and other surfaces where the image is a fixed size. You may use the licensed font to create EPS files or other scalable drawings. You may use the free font to create Web Apps, Mobile Apps, Windows Apps, Linux Apps, OS X Apps, Android Apps etc. NUMBER OF USERS OR PAGE VIEWS: You're allowed to install the free font on unlimited devices (computers, phones, tablets) You're allowed to upload and use the free font on web sites/templates with unlimited pageviews. EMBEDDING: You may embed the free font into any document you send to third parties. Such documents may be viewed, printed and edited by the recipients. You may embed the free font into software or hardware products in which the font will be used by the purchasers of such products (PDF's, WP templates, e-books, Website templates, Mobile Apps etc.) You may embed the free font into a web page with a @font-face declaration. You're able to generate web-font packages from the font files in a third party program or generator. MODIFICATIONS: You may import characters from the font as graphical objects into a drawing program (Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw etc.) and modify such graphic objects. You may NOT modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create derivative works based on the free font itself without Author's prior written consent. That means to edit/modify the font files itself in font editors/software/programs like FontLab Studio, Fontographer, Font Creator, TypeTool, BitFonter, Glyphs, FontStruct, RoboFont etc. You may NOT resell or redistribute the free font itself or any derivative works based on the free font itself without Author's prior written consent. __________________________________________ For more information or inquiries, feel free to send your questions to the Author:öße:
62.58 KBSie können die Schrift herunterladen Belozersk Regular absolut kostenlos, ohne Registrierung. Schriftart Regular. Designer - Mark Dubonosov. Die Schriftart wurde vom Autor in die Public Domain gestellt und kann kostenlos für jeden Zweck verwendet werden. Wenn Sie jedoch beabsichtigen, die Schrift für kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen und sich über die Nutzungsrechte nicht sicher sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Autor, um die Art der Lizenz zu klären.
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Größe der Datei - 62.58 KB.
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